Study and Preparation of Guidelines in Environmental Protection

The regulations and guidelines studied and prepared by VESDEC’ specialists in the last 15 years are indicated as follows.
The regulations and guidelines studied and prepared by ENTEC’ specialists in the last 15 years are indicated as follows.
1. Regulation and Environmental Standards of Lamdong Province (Client:  Lamdong PC), 1998.
2. Regulation and Environmental Standards of Dongnai Province (Client:  Dongnai PC), 1998.
3. Strategy and Action Plans for Environmental Protection for Bentre Province (Client: National Environmental Agency- MOSTE), 1998.
4. Strategy and Action Plans for Environmental Protection for the Dongnai River Basin (Client:  Dongnai PC), 1999.
5. Action Plans for Treatment of Serious Polluted Production Units in Dongnai Province (Client:  Dongnai PC), 2000.
6. Strategy and Action Plans for Environmental Protection of Longan Province, 2000 - 2001 (Client:  Longan Province DOSTE ).
7. Strategy and Action Plans for Environmental Protection of Hanoi, 2002 (Client:  Hanoi City DOSTE).
8. Setting up the Environmental Standards for Hanoi City 2004, 2006 (Client: Hanoi DOST).
9. Guidelines for Environmental Protection of Binhduong Province, 2006-2007 (Client: Binhduong Province DONRE).
10. Technical Guideline for Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA), prepared for the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment (MONRE), 2007.
11. Study to Set up National Technical Regulations for Offshore Water Quality and Sediment Quality, prepared for MONRE, 2009.
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Giới thiệu

Viện Khoa học Môi trường và Phát triển là tổ chức khoa học và công nghệ do cá nhân thành lập, hoạt động theo Luật Khoa học và Công nghệ, Nghị định số 81/2002/NĐ-CP ngày 17/10/2002 của Chính phủ và các văn bản liên quan, chịu sự quản lý của các cơ quan Nhà nước có thẩm quyền. Mục tiêu hoạt động...

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