1. EIA for the Soairap Waterway Dredging Project, 1996. (Client: Tanthuan IPC).
2. EIA for the Baria - Serece Port Project, 1996 (Client: Baria - Serece - France - Vietnam).
3. EIA for the Mytho Port Project, 1996 (Client: Mytho Port Authority).
4. EIA for the Mythuan Bridge on the Mekong River, 1996 (Client: SMEC, Australia).
5. EIA for the Ho Chi Minh City – Bienhoa - Vungtau Expressway Project, 1996-1997 (Client: Daewoo /Maunsell, Australia).
6. EIA for the WB Project of National Highway N1 Rehabilitation, 1999-2000 (Client: APECO-Maunsell).
7. EIA for the Saigon River Crossing Tunnel Project, 1997 (UK ODA Project), (Client: Maunsell).
8. EIA for the Kyoei-VTS Port in Baria-Vungtau, 1997. (Client: Kyoei Steel Corp.).
9. EIA for the WB’ Project of Rehabilitation of the Southern Waterway and Cantho Port, WB Project, 1999 (Client: PMU-W, Ministry of Transport, MOT).
10. EIA for the Saigon East - West Highway, 1999 (JETRO Project, Client: People Committee (PC) of Ho Chi Minh City).
11. EIA for the JICA’ Project of Cantho Bridge Construction on the Bassac River, 1999-2000 (Client: Nippon Koei, Japan).
12. EIA for the WB’ Project of Vinhdien By-Pass on the Highway N1, 2000 (Client: APECO).
13. EIA for the JBIC’ Project of Development of an International Terminal Area at Tan Son Nhat International Airport, 2000 (Client: Southern Airport Co).
14. EIA for the JICA’ Project of T2 International Terminal at Noibai International Airport, Hanoi, 2005 (Client: Northern Airport Co).
15. EIA for the Deep Sea Port (100,000 DWT ships) of Vinhtan Thermal Power Complex, 2008 (Client : CSG, China).
16. EIA for the Deep Sea Port (for 150,000 DWT ships) of the Guanglian Steel Corporation in Dungquat IP, 2008 ( Client: Guanglian Co., Taiwan).
17. EIA for the Trungluong-Mythuan Expressway, 2007 ( Client: PCI, Japan ).
18. EIA for the ADB’ Preparing the Benluc – Longthanh Expressway Project 2009 – 2010 (Client: KEI, Japan).
19. EIA for the Energy Port (for 70,000 DWT ships) on the Soairap river, 2010 (Client: VinaBenny Vietnam - Japan JV).
20. EIA for the JICA’ Additional Project of T2 International Terminal at Noibai Airport, 2010 (Client: Northern Airport Co.).
21. EIA for the Longthanh International Airport Development Project, 2010 -2011 (Client: Japan Airport Consultants – JAC).
22. EIA for the Hoalac – Hoabinh Expressway Project, 2010-2011 (Client: Hanoi’ GEXIMCo).
23. EIA for the ADB’ Preparing the Hanoi – Langson Expressway Project, 2010-2011 (Client: Oriental Consultants Co., Japan).
24. EIA for the Phuyen (Dongtac) Airport Project in Phuyen Province, 2012 (Client: Vietnam Airport Corporation).
24. EIA for the Phalai N2 Coal Fired Thermal Power Plant 600MW Project in Haihung Province, 1995 (Client: EPDC-International, Japan).
25. EIA for the Tranoc Power Plant (40MW) in Cantho, 1995 (Client: PECC2-EVN).
26. EIA for the Phumy N1 Thermal Power Plant (900MW) Project in Baria-Vungtau, 1995, (Client: PECC2- EVN).
27. EIA for the Phumy Energy Complex (3,850MW) Project in Baria - Vungtau, 1996 and 2001(Client: PECC2-EVN).
28. EIA for the Phumy N2 Thermal Power Plant (600MW) Project in Baria-Vungtau, 1996. (Client: PECC2-EVN).
29. EIA for the Quangninh Coal Fired Thermal Power Plant, 330MW, 1996 - 1997 (Client: Oxbow-Raytheon, USA).
30. EIA for the Omon Thermal Power Plant (600-900MW), 1997 (Client: PECC2-EVN).
31. EIA for the Energy Development in Vietnam, 1997 (Client: WB).
32. EIA for the Waste - into - Energy Project in Hanoi, 1998 (Client: Marubeni, Japan).
33. EIA for the Phumy N2.2 Thermal Power Plant (600MW) Project, 2000-2001 (Client: EDF-TEPCO, EDFI: France-Japan).
34. EIA for the Phumy N4 Thermal Power Plant (450MW) Project, 2000-2001 (Client: EVN).
35. EIA for the Rural Electrification in Southern Provinces, 2003-2004 (WB Project - Client: EVN-WB).
36. EIA for the Rural Electrification for Hatinh Province (WB Project, 2004, Client: EVN).
37. EIA for the 500 KV Transmission Lines from Socson to Quangninh (WB Project), 2005 (Client: EVN-WB).
38. EIA for the 500 KV Transmission Lines from Nhabe, Phulam – Ho Chi Minh City to Omon - Cantho (WB project), 2005 (Client: WB).
39. Study on biodiversity in EIA for Song Bung Hydropower Plant, 2004 (Client: PECC3-EVN).
40. EIA for Dam Bri Hydropower Plant, 2004 (Client: PECC3-EVN).
41. EIA for the Omon III Thermal Power Plant 670 MW, 2006, (Client: EVN).
42. Team Leader of the National Consulting Team in EIA for the Mongduong Coal Fired Thermal Power Center of 2,200 MW in Quangninh Province (ADB TA 4670-VIE), 2006, (Client: Indochina Environmental Consultant - ADB).
43. EIA for the Binhthuan Coal Fired Thermal Power Complex of 4,000 MW, 2007 (Client EVN ).
44. EIA for the Vinhtan 1 Coal Fired Thermal Power Plant of 1,000 MW, 2008 (Client : CSG, China).
45. EIA for the Kiengiang Coal Fired Thermal Power Complex of Tantao Group, 4,400 MW, 2008 (Client PECC-2 )
46. EIA for the Duyenhai 2 Coal Fired Thermal Power Plant of 1,200 MW, 2009 (Client: Janakuasa SDN BHD, Malaysia).
47. EIA for the Project of Expansion of the Hatien Cement Plant to 1.4 million T/y in Ho Chi Minh City, 1994 (Client: Vietnam General Cement Company).
48. EIA for the Mitsubishi project of Construction of Cement Plant With a Capacity of 2.3 million T/y in Thanhhoa Province, 1994. (Client: Mitsubishi Material Corp., Japan).
49. EIA for the Mitsui PVC Project in Dongnai Province, 1994. (Client: Mitsui - Toatsu, Japan).
50. EIA for the OxyChem-Marubenni PVC Project in Vungtau, 1994. (Client: Marubeni Corp., Japan).
51. EIA for the Morning Star Cement Project With a Capacity 1.7 million T/y in Kiengiang Province, 1995 (Client: Holderbank-VCC, Switzerland).
52. EIA for the Vinastar Motor Company Project, 1995. (Client: Mitsubishi Motor Corp., Japan).
53. EIA for the Itochu NPK Fertilizer Project in Baria-Vungtau, 1995. (Client: Itochu Corp., Japan).
54. EIA for the Dungquat Industrial Zone in Central Vietnam, 1995 (Client: MOSTE).
55. EIA for the Yokohama Tyre Production Project in Dongnai Province, 1996. (Client: Yokohama Corp., Japan).
56. EIA for the Hiepphuoc Industrial Park in Hochiminh City, 1996. (Client: Tanthuan IPP).
57. EIA for the Tanbinh Industrial Park in Hochiminh City, 1997, (Client: Tanbinh PC).
58. EIA for the Laufen - Thienthanh Sanitary Facility Project, 1997 (Client: Laufen, Switzerland).
59. EIA for the Cargill Food Processing Project in Baria – Vungtau, 1998 (Client: Cargill, USA).
60. EIA for the Binhphuoc Cement Plant, 2.0 mil T/year,2002 (Client: VICC of MOC).
61. EIA for the Dungquat Industrial Park, 2004 (Client: Dungquat Industrial Park), 62. EIA for the Tayninh Cement Plant, 1.5 mil T/year, 2004-2005 (Client: VICC- MOC).
63. EIA for the Binhminh Cement Plant,1.2 mil T/year in Hoabinh province, 2005 (Client: VICC).
64. EIA for the Anphu Cement Plant 1.5 mil T/year in Binhphuoc province, 2008 (Client: VPCC).
65. EIA for the Truongthinh Cement Plant, 2.0 mil T/year in Quangbinh province, 2008 (Client: PICC)
66. EIA for the Heduong Cement Plant, 2.0 mil T/year in Ninhbinh province, 2008 (Client: VICC).
67. EIA for the Lime Stone and Clay Mines for the Tayninh Cement Plant (Client: VICC), 2006.
68. EIA for the ESSA Steel Mill, 2.0 mil T/year in Baria-Vungtau province, 2007 (Client: ESSA Vietnam Co, India).
69. EIA for the Guanglian Stell Project, 7.0 milion T/year (largest in South East Asia), 2010-2011 (Client: Guanglian (Vietnam) Stell Co., Taiwan).
70. EIA for LPG Port and Store Plant Project in Longan province, 2011-2012 (Client: VINABENNY JV Japan-Vietnam.