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In Vietnam there are over 1,000 locations that have been assessed as capable of developing hydropower projects with capacity below 30 MW. Until 2016 approximately 190 small hydropower projects have been constructed and another 456 projects with a total capacity of 6,349 MW are under study.
According to Decision No. 2394 /QD-BCT dated September 1st, 2006 of MoIT stipulating the classification of installed capacity of hydroelectric and micro-electric machines as follows:
- Small hydroelectricity: Installed capacity is greater than or equal to 1 MW and less than or equal to 30 MW (from 1 MW to 30 MW).
- Micro hydro: installed capacity is less than 1 MW.
However, at present, the impacts of these projects on the natural and social environment are causing concern to state management agencies on natural resources and environment, and social media. In the past few years, there have been hundreds of articles, dozens of seminars reflecting the negative ecological and social impacts of small hydropower projects. In February 2012, MoIT has requested to the Prime Minister to remove 324 small hydropower projects. According to the Standing Committee of the Central Highlands Steering Committee: to February 2014, the Central Highlands provinces and the districts bordering the Central Highlands have eliminated 167 small hydropower projects, with a total capacity of 617.36 MW and 75 potential project locations , with a total capacity of 135 MW.
The main reason is that in addition to deliberately not complying with the laws on environmental protection of many investors, the implementation of legal regulations and environmental management of small hydropower projects are still weak; State management agencies, investors, contractors, and consulting units are also limited in understanding, awareness, lack of technical documents, experiences, lessons on environmental and social impacts of this type of project. Therefore, MoIT wishes to develop technical guidelines to apply to all small hydropower projects in Vietnam in order to improve compliance with legal regulations on natural resource, environmental and safety in the direction of sustainable development of this project type to continue developing small hydropower projects. Environmental and Social Guidelines, referred to as“ Guidelines” should be issued by the MoIT.
1.2. Goals and Requirements of the Guidelines
(i) Instructions aimed primarily at:
(a) Governmental management agencies;
(b) investors, contractors, consultants
and (c) commercial banks in the appraisal, design, construction, operation and management of projects to negative impacts of small hydropower projects on natural and social environment;
(ii) Guidance covering all phases of small hydropower development projects: planning, preparation, appraisal, construction, operation and dismantling.
(iii) Guidance helps relevant units and individuals: clearly identify issues, impacts and mitigation measures, and foreseen negative impacts in accordance with actual conditions and in accordance with regulations of Vietnam and international organizations. The guide also outlines the implementation process.
(iv) The Guidelines are compiled in a practical, easy-to-understand form; easy to apply. Therefore, the capacity is not too long; the social and environmental issues are fully mentioned, especially for small hydropower projects. The basic contents are outlined in approximately 100 pages; technical details for individuals and units needing deeper understanding are included in the attached appendix.
(v) These guidelines are based on the legal regulations on the protection of the environment and natural resources of Vietnam, the environmental and social safeguard policies of many international organizations, and guidance documents, including reference to the research results of MoIT in 2010 (Environmental Guidelines for Hydroelectric Projects in Vietnam, prepared by Boffa Miskell, Oct. 2010), combined with the results of actual surveys by the authors of this Guidelines at a number of small hydropower projects in different regions in May 2016.
The main subjects to use the Guidelines are the units and individuals involved in the management, consulting, investment, construction and operation of small hydropower projects. The "Guidelines" will help:
State management agencies (MoIT, Natural Resources and Environment - MoNRE, Agriculture and Rural Development MARD; Planning and Investment - MPI; Departments of Industry and Trade, Natural Resources and Environment, Agriculture and Rural Development in provinces with small hydropower projects: to identify key environmental and social issues to consider during the appraisal of the project's social and environmental impacts of project during the process of project site selection, design, construction and operation in accordance with Vietnamese law and compliance safeguard policies of international donors (if any).
Developers (small hydropower developers): to identify key environmental and social issues that need to be considered during project formulation and during project site selection, design, build and operate and consider the application of negative impact mitigation measures in each phase as outlined in the "Instructions" to manage the environment in accordance with Vietnamese laws and regulations and comply with safeguard policies of international donors (if any).
Construction contractors: to identify key environmental and social problems that may arise during construction in order to formulate and implement a “Construction Environmental Management Plan - CEMP” with appropriate mitigation measures, outlined in the "Guidelines" to comply with national technical regulations (QCVN), environmental standards and environmental management in accordance with Vietnamese law and comply with safeguard policies from international donors (if any).
Consulting units: to identify key environmental and social issues and solutions to minimize negative impacts on the environment and society during all phases of the project to help the investor in preparation of environmental impact assessment (EIA), Environmental Management Plan (EMP) and implementation of environmental monitoring in the phases of project preparation, construction and operation complying with the Vietnamese law and safeguard policies of international donors (if any).
Commercial banks: to identify key environmental and social issues to consider in the process of evaluating the socio-economic efficiency and environmental impact of the project from the project's formation stage and implementing credit work towards linking economic development with environmental protection and social security in accordance with the law of Vietnam and safeguard policies from international donors (if any).
This technical guideline has been compiled according to the legal and technical documents outlined in the Section of References at the end of this document.
This document is not a specific guide to “Environmental impact assessment”; nor is it a guide to the preparation of an "environmental management plan". Such in-depth technical guidelines are outlined in many international and Vietnamese documents.
"Environmental and social guidelines" is a document serving state management agencies, investors, contractors, consultants and commercial banks in the appraisal, design, construction, operation and management of hydropower projects ensuring to minimize the negative impacts on the natural and social environment, so are presented briefly and concisely with 3 main contents: (a) Identification of environmental and social impacts; (b) Adverse impacts and mitigation measures; (c) Responsibilities of stakeholders in the environmental management of small hydropower projects.
The cycle of a project, including a small hydropower project, needs to go through 4 stages:
(a) Project preparation stage, including: concept formation; pre-feasibility study, feasibility, design, appraisal;
(b) Construction stage;
(c) Operation stage;
(d) Demolition stage, not taking into account monitoring and evaluation of project implementation results.
According to Vietnamese regulations and many international organizations, project management work, including consideration of environmental issues, should be implemented from the project preparation stage. A diagram of environmental review and management content and responsibilities of the parties involved in environmental management is shown in Figure 1.
Follow the cycle above depending on the environmental management responsibility of the user of the Guidelines should:
a. Consider Part One of the Guidelines: to know at each project stage what potential environmental and social impacts are likely to occur;
b. Next: review Part Two of the Guidelines: to know corresponding to each negative impact of the project in each stage what mitigation measures to be applied (for prevention, control, treatment; compensation);
Author: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Le Trinh
Trong 20 năm qua, cán bộ VESDEC tham gia giảng dạy ở nhiều khóa đào tạo đại học và trên đại học: - 10 khóa tập huấn ngắn hạn về môi trường cho các Bộ, ngành, tỉnh/TP (hợp tác với các đơn vị tư vấn quốc tế và Việt...